What is the difference between dynamic IP and static IP?

  • Dynamic IP proxy refers to sharing residential IP addresses, which are typically associated with home broadband connections.
  • Static IP proxy, on the other hand, refers to sharing data center IP addresses, which are often used by businesses.

Currently, both types of proxy IP addresses in MaxProxy are shared, not dedicated, which means that multiple users may be using the same IP address at the same time.

An IP address is used to identify a computer or network device, and each device or person has a unique IP address. IP addresses can be obtained in two ways: dynamic IP and static IP.

A static IP address is an IP address that is permanently assigned to a computer or network device. This method can provide higher access record integrity and stability, but it may waste IP address resources.

Static IP advantages:

  • Better stability. Static IP can provide higher access record integrity and stability, making it more stable as a website or server address.
  • Easy to manage. With a static IP address, the corresponding computer can be accessed remotely, making it convenient to manage.

Static IP disadvantages:

  • Static IP is a fixed IP address assigned by the service provider and is usually only assigned to designated users. Since it can only be assigned to a small number of users, the number of static IPs is limited. Static IPs are usually used for large enterprise networks and public servers, and are relatively expensive.

Dynamic IP is an automatically assigned IP address, usually randomly assigned by the telecommunications operator each time the user goes online. This means that each time the user connects to the network, they will get a new IP address. Although dynamic IPs can change, the change usually occurs after a certain period of time. Dynamic IPs can save IP address usage, but the disadvantage is that every time the user connects to the network, a new IP address is assigned, which may affect access record integrity and stability.

Dynamic IP advantages:

  • Shared dynamic IP can save IP address resources to the greatest extent. Since dynamic IPs are released after use, they can be re-assigned to other users, thus maximizing the use of IP addresses.
  • Higher security. Dynamic IPs can prevent ARP attacks because attackers cannot determine the IP address of the target device. Dynamic IPs can also prevent DDoS attacks because attackers cannot accurately launch attacks against the IP address of the target device.

Dynamic IP disadvantages:

  • Requires a DHCP server. Dynamic IP relies on a DHCP server to assign IP addresses, and if the DHCP server fails or is unavailable, the IP address cannot be obtained. Not suitable for hosting network services.
  • Due to the instability of dynamic IP, the IP address obtained by the host is not fixed, so it is not suitable for hosting network services.


MaxProxy is a proxy service designed for personal and enterprise users, providing a massive selection of IP addresses for users to choose from. It can help users break through access restrictions, access overseas websites, and hide their real IP addresses.

MaxProxy supports multiple proxy types, including HTTP, HTTPS, and SOCKS, to meet different user needs. In addition, MaxProxy also provides comprehensive tutorials and online customer service to help users learn how to use proxy services quickly.

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