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5 fast and free ways to boost your safety online

Tackling online safety IP issues does not always have to be expensive and tiresome. These 5 quick tips boost your online safety a...


What is a data breach?

How well are you prepared in case a data breach occurs? Do you know what to do if your personal information has been...


Small business cyber security checklist

Every business with digital assets needs cyber IP security. This check­list will help you under­stand how you can protect your small office or...


What is smishing? A new form of text message fraud

A secure IP environment is very important.Many are familiar with email scams that aim to steal your personal and financial details or to...


Maxproxy tells you what is a cyber attack

Maxproxy IP tells you what is a cyber attack.The methods and motives for carrying out a cyber attack are numerous. Unfortunately, neither individuals...


What is cyber security?

Cyber security is all the programs, practices and other measures that protect devices, data and systems from attacks. As the threats are on...


7 things to teach your kids about internet safety

Keeping children safe from online IP threats starts with awareness. Share these seven tips with your kids, so they can enjoy the internet’s...


Protect your children online

Create a safe online IP environment for your children. Learn how you can manage screen time, filter content, and protect your kids online...


5 ways to minimize your risks after a data breach alert

Discover the steps you should take to prevent ID theft and other online crimes when you find out you’ve been the victim of...


Maxproxy tells you what is malware ?

Malware is an umbrella term for all malicious soft­ware, such as computer viruses, trojans, and spyware. Malware is a serious cyber security threat...