Fixed port forwarding (local proxy)

To directly enable proxy startup and utilize local port forwarding through the MaxProxy client, all types of proxies can be used.

Note: When using local proxy port forwarding, the MaxProxy client must be running. Only one port and one IP can be enabled at a time. If you want to enable multiple proxy IPs, use multiple port forwarding (local and LAN port forwarding).

Step 1: Enable local proxy port forwarding. Method 1: (Enable directly in the proxy IP list) #

Step 2: (Enable in the Proxy tab)

II. To use the local port to the target software:
Enter the local address and local port number, the login user and password do not need to be entered

III. Disable local proxy port forwarding:

IV. how to modify the local port number:
The default local port is: 11080, you can set the local proxy port number in the system settings and press OK.

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